Wp Edition

Guide to using the private area

The private area of My Agile Privacy can be accessed at and allows you to manage your subscription, license, and associated domains. Let's see in detail what you can do.

My Domains

From this screen, you can see a summary of the salient information about your account and usage threshold, as well as access the list of domains on which the license is in use and the list of blocked domains on which the license, even if entered, will no longer be activated.
A domain can be blocked or unblocked with a simple click. This is a useful option if you manage websites on behalf of clients or if the website has changed its domain over time, and you want to free up a usage slot for a domain that is no longer in use.
Furthermore, for each domain, it is possible to perform some operations that will affect the configuration of My Agile Privacy on the individual site and the cookie list.
Important: to take advantage of this feature, it is necessary that version 2.1.5 or higher of My Agile Privacy is installed on the websites. If you haven't done so already, update the plugin and activate automatic updates to be sure you always have the latest version installed.
From the menu, go to: My Domains > Authorized Domains
You will be faced with a screen like this:

private area - domains list

Let's observe it in detail. First, to facilitate the use and management of your sites, you have the ability to search the complete list either by domain name or by published cookie.
If you perform a search by published cookie, you will see all the sites on which the specific cookie is active.
In the table listing all domains, from left to right, you will find this information:

  • Domain name on which the license is installed.
  • Version of My Agile Privacy installed on the domain (as mentioned above: version 2.1.5 is required for remote modifications).
  • Date of first installation: when My Agile Privacy was first installed on the site.
  • Date of last synchronization: we synchronize the cookie list with our central database twice a day, to always give you all the cookies that we encode over time for preventive blocking.
  • List of active cookies on the domain: by placing the mouse on the icon, it is possible to see a preview of the cookies detected and active on the site.
  • Remote options: a summary of the remote options set in the edit mask. If the version of My Agile Privacy is lower than 2.1.5, you will see an update notice here.
  • Usage options: you have the ability to block the domain and cause the license to no longer be active for that specific domain, or to enter the edit panel (if the version of My Agile Privacy allows it).

The edit panel

By clicking on "edit", you will access the edit panel, which looks like the image below:

private area - installation management options

The options modified here are synchronized with the site within 12 hours. To actually send the changes to the site, it is necessary to check the "propagate changes" option, which appears when an option is modified.
The options available to you are:

  • Force learning mode: allows you to set the Cookie Shield to learning mode, and activate cookie detection and blocking features, looking for new cookies compared to those already detected.
  • Reset consent: allows you to invalidate all cookie preferences expressed so far on the site. This means that every user who arrives on the site from that moment on will have to express their preference again, even if they had already done so. It is a useful option especially when adding new cookies: by resetting consent, users are given the opportunity to manage their preference also for cookies that were not there before.
  • Try to empty the cache: since version 2.1.5, My Agile Privacy can attempt to empty the cache of some of the most common cache plugins in use, specifically at the moment: SG Optimizer, W3 Total Cache, Wp Rocket, and WP Fastest Cache.
  • Add Cookies: this option allows you to select one or more cookies to add to the published list of cookies on the site. The add and remove buttons ("+" and "-") allow you to insert or remove new cookies to be added to the site.
  • Propagate changes: by checking this option, the changes will be sent to the site, and will be active within 12 hours. If you do not check this option, the changes will be saved in a "draft" state, ready to be propagated.

To make the changes effective, whether propagated or in draft state, it is always necessary to click on the "Save Changes" button.
We are sure that this set of new options will make managing cookies on your domains even more immediate and simple. We always remind you that in case of need, our support service is available, which can be reached by clicking here.

My Subscription

Here you can see a complete summary of the information related to your subscription, such as:

  • type of plan chosen
  • date of first activation and expiration
  • license key (to be used on installations)
  • number of domains on which the software is used
  • number of domains on which the software can still be used
  • languages enabled on the plan
  • Taxation

Through the Taxation menu item, you can access the archive of invoices and any credit notes received over time, and modify your billing information. The modification of billing data will take effect from the next invoice.

Options and Password

The menu items "Options" and "Change password" allow you to choose the language with which to use the private area, and of course, manage the access password.

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You can accept, reject, or customize the cookies by clicking the desired buttons. 

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In addition, this site installs Google Analytics version 4 (GA4), Facebook Remarketing with anonymous data transmission via proxy. 

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