OptimizePress is a popular landing page and sales funnels solution for WordPress.
By default, it disables all scripts from other plugins or themes, affecting the functionality of My Agile Privacy and potentially compromising GDPR compliance.
However, you can adjust the settings to selectively load scripts from specific plugins, ensuring full functionality of My Agile Privacy. Let's explore how to do this.
First, from your site's admin panel, go to:
Optimize Press > Settings
And place on the "Scripts and Styles" tab.
From here you can select which scripts and styles will still need to be loaded, both frontend and backend.
Both scripts and My Agile Privacy styles will need to be enabled for proper operation in both cases: frontend and backend.
The two images below show you what the correct configuration should look like.
Enabling Backend Scripts
Remember to save your changes after configuring these exclusions to ensure that My Agile Privacy and My Agile Pixel function correctly.
Always test your site to confirm that it's working as expected after adjusting optimization or caching settings.
If you encounter any issues, you may need to refine the settings or seek assistance from our support team or Optimize Press support.