Thank you for purchasing My Agile Privacy

You will soon receive an email with the license key that will enable you to activate all the features of your chosen plan.

Here's how to unlock all the features of your plan:

Installation of MyAgilePrivacy on your WordPress site

If you haven't installed the MyAgilePrivacy plugin on your WordPress site yet, now is the time to do so! Proceed as follows:

  • From the admin panel of your site, go to the menu item "Plugins > Add New".
  • In the page that opens, use the search field in the top right corner to search for "MyAgilePrivacy"
  • The MyAgilePrivacy panel will appear: click on "Install Now", and then on "Activate".
plugin install - part 01

License Activation

MyAgilePrivacy is active on your site. Congratulations!
Now you need to configure it, and the first thing to do is activate the license.

  • In the left menu, you will find a new item: "MyAgilePrivacy". Click on it.
  • The configuration page will open, and you will find a series of tabs to operate on. Click on the license tab.
  • Enter the license code you received via email. The license will change from "demo" to "valid".
license settings

Language Selection

Go to the Advanced Tab. There you will find the language selector.

Initially, the plugin sets English as the default language. If you want to change the language and set it to another language, follow these 2 simple steps:

  • Select the language you need from the languages, and click on the blue "Update" button at the bottom right.
  • Once updated, check the "Reset settings" box (the last option in the tab) and click "Update" again.

Now the plugin is fully configured in the language you selected.

language options

Cookie Installation

Once these steps are completed, it's time to install the Cookies. Find out how by reading the dedicated guide. If you need to contact support, here is the email address

Need help?

If you need help installing and configuring the plugin, do not hesitate to contact us by email at

Our support service will assist you in correctly configuring the plugin and ensuring compliance with the latest legal provisions regarding privacy and GDPR obligations related to cookie consent.

Do you want to completely delegate the configuration, obtain a professional installation, and receive a compliance certificate from us?

Discover our professional and certified installation service:

Professional installation performed by one of our technicians
Intervention report detailing the work completed
GDPR compliance guarantee upon delivery
Yes! I want the installation and the compliance certificate!
a Formula Agile SRL project
VAT ID 04524510403 - REA: RN418884
Viale Medici 16/A, 47922 Rimini (RN) - Italy
Share capital 12'000€
PEC formulaagilesrl[at]
For assistance: info[at]
GDPR and privacy present complexities that extend beyond achieving website compliance. Compliance obligations span across all business aspects and necessitate expert analysis.
When it comes to implementing Banners and Policies, trust My Agile Privacy—the only solution that excludes unnecessary implementations not mandated by regulations.
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My Agile Privacy

This site uses technical and profiling cookies. 

You can accept, reject, or customize the cookies by clicking the desired buttons. 

By closing this notice, you will continue without accepting. 

In addition, this site installs Google Analytics version 4 (GA4), Facebook Remarketing with anonymous data transmission via proxy. 

By giving your consent, the data will be sent anonymously, thus protecting your privacy.